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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why I Can’t Be President

President Andrew Jackson
Today I ask your indulgence.  I want to talk about one of my lifelong desires—to be President of the United States.  Now, that said, I want to review several of the reasons why I could never be President.  I will start with my age, now 67 soon to be 68.  I have a history of mental problems beginning in 1980 (if not manifested earlier in more subtle ways).  I was first diagnosed as being paranoid schizophrenic and then as manic-depressive.  I currently take Prolixin, a drug to combat psychosis.  Practically speaking, this means that whatever proposal I should make as President buttressed by whatever facts, values, and need; it would be attacked as loony.  Added to this minor disqualifier is the fact that I have a few skeletons in my sexual closet.  And these negative considerations are just for starters.

It is always important that the President and armed forces respect one another and have a sense of rapport.  This represents another barrier for me.  In 1968 when the draft was still in force during the Vietnam War, I was drafted.  Since I thought the war unethical and unwise, I refused induction at the induction center.  I received a three year sentence, serving 18 months in prison.  This has instilled a subtle prejudice in my mind.  Even today when I see Vietnam Vets honored, I ask myself what about all those who out of patriotism refused induction and paid a price.  These people are truly unknown and forgotten.  This twinge of resentment would (even if unwillingly) unacceptably color my attitude and relationship with the military.  Furthermore, based on my prison experience, I would greatly favor diplomacy over military force.  My prison experience taught me that it is possible to stand up to bullies yet retain their respect and even reluctant goodwill.  In a situation ripe for physical conflict; courage, conviction, and earned respect pay off.  This experience would deeply affect my approach to foreign affairs.

But, undeniably, trenchant evil exists in the world.  Would I be willing if needed to put people in harm’s way or request that they harm (kill) others?  I look at Scripture and I cannot explain why a good God requests the Israelites destroy their enemies including women, children, and livestock.  In my own experience I had a dear righteous friend one day kill two of his step children and then commit suicide.  I can’t explain it. Not in a million years.  I only know that when President Truman ordered the atomic bombing attack on Nagasaki and Hiroshima killing tens of thousands of innocents, it’s possible to adjudge it a good decision.  My incomprehension of the proper place for atrocity could be a problem at the fast approach of some looming dead end. 

With all this, you would think I would lay down my dreams to be President.  But they stay unabated even yet.  Maybe what I ultimately dream of is a world where such dark mysteries could be averted or made irrelevant.

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