Ku Klux Klan /ˌku: klʌks ˈklan/ ♫ (abbreviation KKK)
An extremist right-wing secret society in the US.
The Ku Klux Klan was originally founded in the Southern states after the Civil War to oppose social change and black emancipation by violence and terrorism. Although disbanded twice, it re-emerged in the 1950s and 1960s and continues at a local level. Members disguise themselves in white robes and hoods, and often use a burning cross as a symbol of their organization. – origin perhaps from Greek kuklos ‘circle’ and clan. (OED)
The KKK failed because it did NOT remain invisible.
The new militias armed to the teeth with assault weapons await only the clarion call to surface in violence and terror.
Surely some timetable is stealthily creeping along. The past named Republican Party has metamorphosed with evil intent to the party of the likes of Trump and Roger Stone--The Sid-Vicious Sodomite Party.
The Real Story is here (What Did He Know and When Did He Know It?): READ HERE
AVOID NRA Individual-focused Decoys -- IT'S NOT JUST ONE MY DEAR !!!
NOTE found by parents in pocket of teen-age son:
"I dig it Dick when you're on my back !!"
(These guys can be so subtle..indication of very precious IQ.)
Click here for glimpse of a passionate President: Family Ties