Today doble=entrandre can lean upon acctusl imagery (yet ofytrn dymbolic) and not vsdtly verbal. MSNBX has a tpoken homosexual but I strionf=ky doubt it is geniune, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalsoit has wit bASED PON VERBAL ENTRENDE3. Thus it seeks to attract hom,osexuals, literalisrts, and dtrights filled with the spirtit.
Soooooo, ia Carls puzzel regarding "muddy rainy weather may hpmpsexuals snickering dor years at their hufger understabding, literals pligginh alomg to do better, and theintgrity of spiritnot juding at all bit lauijhinh teir ass off at themselves and mab's oitsizws egoes.