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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Let Us Reason Together

Yesterday I ran an errand to a major chain grocery store and then swung by a nationally known drug store. The alcohol prevalence—even dominance—in and around public entrance-ways is extremely depressing to me.  It shows no less than in-your-face arrogance to push this drug at the very nascent threshold of our understanding of the drug’s profound structural effects upon the brain.  Why do we so facilely assume that a temporary buzz is the fleeting effect rather than profound and permanent interference with healthy perception?  Following link discusses the human body and alcohol in a brief 16 frame slide-show:

But, of course, for a four-year-old child the above will provide too much information. I suppose our little man will just have to make-do living every day with his two adult alcoholic parents.

In my campaign for president, I do not intend to have hundreds of participants in town-hall meetings.  I intend to provide an intimate space for victims to share with us in our private living rooms via television the unadorned pain of alcohol.  (On other occasions, individuals will share what it’s like to be a cannon-fodder employee in America.)  It’s my assured belief that an ounce of reality will upend a billion dollars of propaganda.  You see, I trust the American people to distinguish fact from fiction.  And I have no doubt whatever that my trust will be vindicated Election Day.

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