When it comes to taking risks, how would you describe yourself?
impulsive—quick to step out
cautious—testing the water first
apprehensive—scared to death
d. procrastinating—putting
it off
is the relationship between risk-taking and faith?
There is no relationship.
It's okay to be a risk-taker if you have faith in Christ.
c. Risk-taking
is good if you have faith in yourself. d. A life of faith is a life of risk-taking.
Bible 10th Anniversary Editon, page 1361).
fundamental issue with risk-taking is arriving at the proper
perspective. As people approach retirement age they often make up a
“bucket list”— a listing of all those things (some often
outright risky) that they have always wanted to do but haven't. They
pledge on retirement to do all these things. The reason that many
items—heretofore thought too risky—are now acted upon is the
realization of the risk of approaching death that would preclude
doing them. In short, the risk of doing the items on the list
now is outweighed by the risk of death and not being able to do them
at all.
our national economy we must address the limitations of capitalism
alone to achieve a just distribution of wealth. Many think this is
too risky a task to take on. For those who envision fatal
consequences if the risk of change is not accepted, the risk of
inaction far outweighs that of action.
often run into opposition for change and the opposition is couched in
terms of risk. We don't know enough to act; all the elements
requisite to action are not in place; the proposed plan is not yet
perfected. In the Birmingham jail MLK was cautioned against what was
seen as hasty action. MLK envisioning the certain disaster that
would ensure if greater justice was not found, found that the risk on
inaction far outweighed that of action.
basic level of faith is necessary to proceed under conditions of
uncertainty. As we inevitably must occasionally throw dice after
consulting our best lights, we thankfully have a God who doesn't.
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