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a child, did you feel authority figures were there to help and
protect you or to spoil your fun? How have your opinions changed?
(Serendipity Bible 10th Anniversary Edition, page
essential thing to remember here is that God is the ultimate
authority. What do I mean by this? Let us take the matter of a parent
and child. Now the parent is unquestionably an intermediary authority
figure. Even so, the Bible tells us that we should not provoke our
children. That is, the actions (or inactions) of parental authority
do not always receive the support of heaven. Such support is
withdrawn when the parents supplant God's will with their own
rebellious one. We can see clearly then that authority even when
legitimate can be wrong and outside the will of God. Likewise,
government as an institution has been given intermediary authority in
society. The great temptation in democracies is that government
internally abdicate that role and become weak. To establish peace,
prosperity, and security; this simply cannot be done. It must be
recognized that there can be actions (or inactions) of government
that are not divinely supported.
can say that the role of all authority is to assist in establishing
true happiness – one based on righteousness. This is a tough and
demanding assignment. The temptation is always to substitute phony
happiness for righteousness happiness. When this happens ineluctably
nations decline and finally succumb to the entropic forces of
illusion and death. We must humbly confront the truth that disorder
and degradation unavoidably result when unauthorized shortcuts to
bliss are attempted. They are in essence delusional and escapist and
an anathema to God and the laws of ethical physics.
Reverse side of Great Seal of the United States - Features ]
- The pyramid
- The eye in the triangle above the pyramid
- The Roman numerals, MDCCLXXVI, appear on the base of the pyramid and translate to 1776, the year of independence.
- Above the "eye" are the Latin words "Annuit Coeptis." This translates to "He has favored our undertakings." This line is associated with the "Eye of Providence."
- Below the pyramid are the Latin words "Novus Ordo Seclorum," meaning "A new order of the ages," referring to the birth of America in 1776.
Source: http://money.howstuffworks.com/question5181.htm
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