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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Blessed Beyond the Ledger

When did you first come to realize that it isn’t so much what you do for God, but what he’s done for you? (Serendipity Bible Fourth Edition, page 1578-9).

I like to begin this question on the human level: When did I realize that it isn’t so much what I’ve done for [my parents, my siblings, my extended family, my friends, my coworkers, my acquaintances, my predecessors, my country, my world] but what they’ve done for me?  And make the question challenging. Choose a needy friend that in your estimation you’ve done a lot for. If you cannot count abundant blessings from them for every one thing you’ve done on their behalf, then you need to seriously examine the degree to which you need an attitude adjustment. All of us are blessed by others in many ways – most of them not material or amenable to tally on an accounting ledger. And as for God – the author of life – the blessings extend before and beyond today’s gift of life.

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