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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Tinhorn Misers

Jesus and the apostles Peter and Paul were not always very "tame" when it came to the tongue. When is harsh language acceptable? (Serendipity Bible Fourth Edition, page 1685).

Occasionally it is necessary to shake things up a bit in order to derive a new perception of the situation.  Sometimes "tame" language simply does not do the job.  For example, it is becoming acceptable in the name of capitalism to keep families apart -- even estranged and separated -- on the singular family holy day, Thanksgiving.  The incessant, arbitrary and greedy promulgations of morally bankrupt and pompous tycoons has encroached upon the inner sanctum of the family circle.  Surely it is time to graphically expose such rank materialists for the tinhorn misers and enemies of  family comity they actually are. 

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